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CIT Officer and Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner of the Year Awards!

Updated: Jul 11

PCCD is pleased to announce that we will be presenting the Crisis Intervention Team CIT Police Officer of the Year Award and the Crisis Intervention Team CIT Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner of the Year Award during this year’s

2024 Statewide CIT Symposium on September 25, 2024, at the Wyndham Garden Inn (Boalsburg). 

This is the first year PCCD will present these awards giving statewide recognition to professionals that demonstrate a commitment to CIT. 

Please take a moment to nominate a worthy CIT Officer or Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner for this honor. 

The deadline to submit a nomination(s) is Friday, July 12, 2024. 


CIT Police Officer of the Year Award -

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)  Police Officer of the Year Award recognizes a law enforcement officer who demonstrates continuous use of exemplary CIT knowledge and skills. 

Their work highlights their outstanding dedication to the CIT program, CIT services, and advancing CIT As a community success.


CIT Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner of the Year Award -

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Behavioral Healthcare Practitioner of the Year Award recognizes a person who demonstrates an exemplary, ongoing commitment to being actively involved with CIT community partnerships and works to improve access to services within their own system or with the community mental health system.



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