The newly launched National Strategy for Suicide Prevention was also highlighted throughout the conference by VA and SAMHSA leadership.
For more information about the SMVF TA Center and the resources offered, please visit SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center’s web pages.
July 30, 2024, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Join us for an informative webinar on how clinical community partners can work together to support the behavioral health needs of SMVF. You will hear from federal and community-based speakers on the COMPACT Act, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs), and CCBHC/VA Care Coordination.
Updated clinical practice guidelines, otherwise known as CPGs, from DoD and VA are an essential tool in assessing and managing patients and offer evidence-based recommendations for health care providers. A joint VA-DoD working group announced in May 2024 the release of the revised guideline The Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide (2024) to aid in critical decision points.
This inventory provides information on resources to help health and social service professionals support older Veterans and other older adults who have or are at risk for behavioral health conditions. This inventory is not exhaustive. Rather, it provides an overview of programs and publications on topics including post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide prevention, long-term services and supports, and much more.
SAMHSA has published a blog post on the new 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy) and Federal Action Plan. The post includes ways to support the implementation of these key documents, including using the National Strategy social media toolkit to help spread the word, helping carry out the commitments of your federal agency, and joining the suicide prevention efforts going on in your state, territory, tribe, or community.
SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center & Suicide Prevention Resources
SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center | SMVF TA Center
Veterans Crisis Line | VA