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Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) Penn State Extension Grandparents & Others

Penn State Extension - Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP)

Go to the above website for a huge assortment of resources!

This program aims to expand supportive services available for PA-relative caregivers

and the children they are raising,

particularly in terms of helping them find needed information and resources,

find and enroll in support groups that serve kinship care families, and

engage in family-based recreational and relationship-enhancing activities.

County-based Extension educators and the human service professionals with whom they collaborate provide a range of services in various counties throughout the state.

The PA Kinship Navigator website: This is an online database of programs, services, and resources available for kinship care families in Pennsylvania. [If you run a program that serves grandfamilies in Pennsylvania, please enter your program into this database through our "Submit a Program" website.] 

Online resources for human service professionals

Educational workshops for kinship care families

Kinship Family Retreats

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