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Technology Assisted Children’s Home Program

TACHP provides comprehensive non-medical supports and services to families with technology-assisted children throughout Pennsylvania.  TACHP provides in-home support to parents to navigate the often difficult systems governing their child’s care while enhancing parent capacity to care for their child through direct care and advocacy.

Summarized below are key eligibility criteria for enrollment for TACHP services:

A child who:

·      is 0-22 years of age

·      lives in the specified Eastern counties of the Commonwealth of PA– please, see below  

·      is ‘technology-assisted’

·      lives at home

To help you gain a better understanding of the Technology Assisted Children’s Home Program and the benefits available to you and the families you serve. 

TACHP is always welcoming new partnerships and is available to meet with agency contacts, attend staff meetings, and present our program to interested entities. 

If you have any interest in learning more about our program or scheduling a time to meet to discuss our program in person, please reach out to us at any time!  We look forward to creating a partnership!

Please visit our website for more information at  or connect with us on Facebook at    If you would like to  refer eligible children and families to the Technology Assisted Children’s Home Program, please do so by navigating to the link below:

or contact Lamia Bryant via or 267.765.2307

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