Candle Inc.Community Based Drug/Alcohol Prevention Reality Tour
CANDLE, Inc. was founded as a 501c3 non-profit in 2004, after the success of the grassroots Reality Tour that started in Butler, PA.
CANDLE is served by a board of directors and is listed on PA’s Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
Norma Norris, originator of the Reality Tour, is the Executive Director.
CANDLE directly oversees 3 Reality Tour Programs as well as over a dozen licensed Reality Tour Program Models.
Reality Tour® is a community-based drug prevention system designed as a single event to engage parents. Often held in the evening or weekend so parents WILL attend. Our system educates parent & child together to put parent and child on the same page. Reality Tour® is UNLIKE scare tactics. Our dramatic scenes are PG and balanced with family coping skills to avoid experimentation. Reality Tour was evaluated by the University of Pittsburgh in 2007-08 and a recipient of NECAP Service to Science Award.
For more information go to the website.