Children's Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
New Dawn Partial Hospitalization
Services for Children: New Dawn Partial Hospitalization Program is designed to provide children with a comprehensive milieu in which they can be treated for a variety of mental health disorders while allowing them to remain in their home and community environments. The methods of therapy include individual, group and family interventions based on cognitive /behavioral techniques.
New Dawn accepts children ages three, four and five. Children can be admitted for either full or half days. We make every effort to accommodate school or day care schedules
The Clinical Team, comprised of a Psychiatrist and Mental Health Professionals, will develop a treatment plan and use the most appropriate assessment procedures and therapeutic approaches for each child in conjunction with other mental health staff members and parents/ guardians.
Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Services (BHRS)
Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS): The TSS provides one-on-one support to the child or adolescent in areas of social, behavioral, and emotional needs identified by the child, family, and Interdisciplinary Team (IDT). TSS aids the client's growth and development. The TSS facilitates the development of helping and support skills in parents, family members, teachers, and others to ensure the on-going well-being of the child.
Behavioral Specialist Consultant (BSC): The BSC works collaboratively with the Interdisciplinary Team to design the behavior treatment plan. The BSC along with other appropriately involved individuals identify behavioral goals. The BSC oversees the implementation of the behavior plan, supervises the TSS, and communicates with all members of the Interdisciplinary Team.
Mobile Therapist (MT): The MT provides one-on-one counseling services to the child and/or family regarding current issues. The treatment plan focuses on the positive coping strategies that will help the child attain goals. The treatment plan is based on the strengths, needs, and desired outcomes of the client and his/her family. Mobile therapy can be implemented in the home or community setting and often involves natural community support systems.