Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services, Inc. (DATS ) Lackawanna County
At Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, we provide professional counseling for substance abuse and addiction along the traditional lines. Therapeutic techniques and approaches are state of the art, though not experimental. The outpatient service provides group and individual counseling through professional therapists to victims of substance abuse and chemical dependency.
Partial Hospitalization Specialized Adolescent Program
Traditional Outpatient
Case Management Services
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Certified Recovery Specialists (CRS)
Onsite School Assessments
Co-occurring Disorder Program
Employee Assistance Program
Criminal Justice Program
Community Outreach and Education
Adolescent Drug Education Program
Student Assistance Programs
Specialized Women's Program
All DUI Programming in Lackawanna County
Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) Referrals
MAT Clinically based programs
Referrals to Outside Resources