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Goepfert Speech Associates , LLC

Speech Therapy

Include Diagnostic Evaluation and Therapy for:

Articulation Phonologic Processing Accent Modification Apraxia Dysarthria Language Comprehension Expressive Language Language/Auditory Processing Pragmatic Language


Speech Fluency (Stuttering) Voice Transgendered Voice Cognitive-Linguistic Skills Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Pervasive Developmental Disorders Communication Skills Myofunctional (Tongue Thrust/Reverse Swallow) Teletherapy Capabilities

Evaluations and Therapy may be initiated by self-referral, agency referral, or physician referral. A typical admission criteria for treatment may include a significant delay or deviation (one standard deviation, or more, below the mean score on a standardized measure) in any of the communication features above. Achievement of age-level skills or functional levels would be appropriate discharge criteria.

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