OMHSAS Helpful Tips Hints for Mental Health /Behavioral Services
Helpful Tips Hints for Parents & Caregivers using any PA system!
Helpful Hints for Parents and Caregivers
The following hints may be helpful for families navigating the Mental Health/ Behavioral Health System. In fact you can use this for any system!
1. Document, Document, Document…It is extremely important to keep a notebook or file or Binder where you record information before and after getting services for your son/daughter.
Your notes should include:
Name of the person you speak with and the agency they work for
Time/date of discussion, the telephone number, email if needed, information discussed in detail, what if anything was agreed to in the conversation, next steps for you and the other person, any treatment plans or changes, progress notes.
Envelopes are always to be kept and stapled/clipped to the letter inside it!!
Correspondence: letters, faxes, print-outs of emails that are sent to you by any providers, MCO (managed care organizations) representatives, State or County officials, educators, support staff, and all team members including copies of any letters, faxes, and emails you send and anyone else!
Evaluations: your child’s written evaluations any other documents or supplements to the evaluation and any other information.
Keep the original documents for your records and ALWAYS send copies when information is requested.
If you make a request over the phone or in person, follow up with a written request either by email or letter and put that request in your contact binder!
Make sure to carefully read the evaluations, treatment plans, and other documents about your child so you are familiar with the content and that they accurately reflect your child.
If reading these is difficult or just flat-out tough to understand, find someone you trust to read and point out areas you need to understand and help you to do so!
Sometimes these can seem as tough as reading another language!!
Do not feel embarrassed or inferior or not smart enough!
You have a lot of company regarding understanding many of the information and documents in this world!!
Keep a calendar or date planner and write every doctor appointment, therapy session, evaluation, ISPT (interagency service plan meeting) meeting,
EVERY meeting and important conversation, etc.
Attending all appointments for your child is very important. If you have an emergency and cannot attend, please call and cancel as soon as you realize you cannot make it. Make notes as to when you called, who you spoke to, and what they said. Try to reschedule at the same time as you cancel!! If you are able send a trusted adult in your place if that is acceptable.
2. Below is a list of documents and information you will need often: Keep them in your binder!! And the copies too!
Your child’s birth certificate (a copy is fine)
Your child’s Social Security number (do NOT put this on any of your lists)
Your child’s health insurance information on both lists
Knowledge of your child’s medical history (any illness or injuries)
Make a list of these and make several copies so you have it as needed
List of all medications and dosages
Make a list of these and make several copies so you have it as needed.
Knowledge of any reactions to medications and allergies include on the lists
Knowledge of your child's developmental milestones (when your child walked, talked, etc.) Put this on a second list and make copies
Knowledge of your child’s mental health symptoms
Put this on a second list and make copies
Knowledge of your child's strengths, skills, and talents and make a list
Let them know any churches, groups, and interests the child and the family have as well as family rites such as everyone getting together for birthdays, holidays, etc.
Put this on a second list and make copies.
Make a list of your child’s needs, your concerns, concerns /observations regarding any siblings, neighbors, friends, school interactions, etc.
It may take you a bit to compile this list and ask your family, friends, etc for input if you so desire. This will come in handy at meetings and explaining any behaviors/concerns.
Put this on a second list and make copies
List any information about any relatives who have any mental health, behavioral or physical health, or addictions. This can be helpful sometimes.
Put this on a second list and make copies
So you will have two lists with different information! And copies to hand out as needed!
You will only have to write these lists once! Keep the master copy and have many copies available for the meetings. They will be stunned and you will save a huge amount of time.
3. Advocacy tips and hints:
Become knowledgeable about your child’s illness and your rights as a caregiver.
You know your child and family situation best. Be clear about your child’s strengths, your needs, your concerns, and what you think will help your child and family the most.
Join organizations so that you can access books, journals, and films to learn about your child’s illness. Find and explore websites to find information on the illness, medications, treatment options, education law, and the mental health system.
Be sure to invite your child’s case manager, therapist, behavior consultant, therapeutic staff support, psychologist, psychiatrist, or advocate to assist you through this process. .
Before attending a meeting, make a list of all your concerns, goals, and ideas that you can contribute to the conversation ( remember you are the best authority on your child)
Take a picture of your child to bring to the meeting so everyone can see this is who all of this work is to help! Set it on the table!
It is natural to be nervous when attending an important meeting that may impact your child’s mental health or education services. Even if you are very knowledgeable, you will not be effective if you cannot present your ideas clearly and with confidence so that is why the lists are so important and the binder!
Everyone is nervous at these meetings! Know that you are not the only one!
Use appropriate communication; begin sentences with “I” instead of “you” to reduce blame and defensiveness. Be assertive, not argumentative. State facts! It is hard to argue against facts!
Ask for meeting breaks if you feel you are losing your patience. Remember losing your temper will not resolve any problems.
Listen to what others have to say even if you disagree with their ideas.
You can respect another’s opinion even though you may not agree with what is being said.
Remember you are speaking for your child; do not get caught up in “winning.”
Be as polite, respectful, and flexible as possible but be persistent.
If you are not getting anywhere with a particular individual, ask to speak to their supervisor.
Surround yourself with support (friend, relative, advocate, etc.)
Always take someone with you to all meetings!
Do not be afraid to ask questions…. ask many of them. Ask for clarification if there is something you do not understand. Asking for clarification means they must explain further their statement! Use that question!
The mental health system has a language of its own.
Don’t be afraid to ask what an acronym means. Acronyms change so much that even the employees sometimes are clueless! It is no big deal!
Insist that your child’s care is “family centered’ building on your child and family’s strengths and not causing problems/harm to the other members of the family.
Ask for the business cards of attendees at meetings.
Make a chart or list of who was at the meeting. Be descriptive if you need to so you can remember who is sitting at the table with you. Simply take a piece of paper and put the names/area/agency where they sat and go around like a table. Easier to remember where the person sat who made a comment than try to remember the name!
Feel free to get a second opinion…this should be about what is best for YOUR child
Read all the information BEFORE you sign! Do not be intimidated into signing right then and there! If you want to take the information home and have someone else look it over then do so!
NEVER sign a blank form! No matter what anyone says never ever do that!
4. Questions you may want to ask in a meeting….
What could I do to help my child?
What treatment and support services are known to be best to help my child?
What has helped other children like mine?
What do I do in a crisis?
Who can I call in the evening or on weekends?
Will these services improve my child’s mental health? Is there proof of this?
What should I expect?
Can I see my child’s records and reports?
What are my rights? Ask if there are copies you could take home and look over.
5. What should I look for in an evaluation or reevaluation?
Make sure everything is accurate!
Identifying Information about your child: name, age, birth date, sex, family members and place of residence
Developmental history: prenatal information/history (if available) early milestones, any early illnesses or injuries
Reason for referral to the psychologist
Relevant information such as prior treatment or service history (if any), all mental health or wraparound services that the child has already received or is receiving now, and the child’s responses to this treatment.
It should also include when the services were provided; for how long; in what settings; and at what intensity (frequency, length of time of each intervention, etc.) What were the goals and objectives of the services, and what progress or lack of progress the child has made with these services?
In a re-evaluation provide a list of services the child is currently getting and a Service Update that highlights changes in services from when the last evaluation was made. Anything of importance in a prior plan.
Child and Family Strengths and Culture example, do many outdoor things, like fishing/hunting, or stamp collecting, likes/crafts/recreational type things that speak to your “culture of life” whatever best describes your family!
Concerns about the child
School: Special Education, relevant pieces of an evaluation, behaviors, teacher concerns, any special issues, bullying, etc.
Community: what natural resources do the child and family have
Drug and Alcohol/Substance Abuse/Addiction issues or relevant information
Medications: names, dosage, effectiveness. If medications were prescribed and the child is not taking them an explanation of why
Other: may include any other systems the child is involved with and anything else you feel should be included
Mental Status Evaluation: performed during a face-to-face interview.
Interview and Discussion
Make sure ALL information is accurate and correct.
DO NOT be afraid to ask them to make corrections.