Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services ADVISORY GROUPS BBVS
Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council
Phone: 1-888-250-5175 (Voice) or 1-877-827-9974 (TTY)
E-Mail: racucpca@parac.org
The PaRC Mission
The mission of the Council is to inform and advise the
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, the State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Legislature, and the Governor on the diverse issues affecting the employment of people with disabilities.
Members of the public are welcome to join meetings by Zoom or reserve in-person attendance at the UCP/PaRC business office at 55 Utley Dr. Camp Hill, PA 17011, by contacting PaRC staff at parc@parehabilitationcouncil.org or at 717.975.2004.
The Pa Rehabilitation Council must conduct no less than four (4) quarterly Full Council (FC) meetings throughout the year. The general public will be provided with notice of all meetings in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act. Use the following tabs to learn more about upcoming and past PaRC meetings, agendas, minutes, and other information.
COMMITTEE'S https://parehabilitationcouncil.org/get-involved/parc-committees/
Career Link/WIOA
Legislative & Public Awareness
OVR Policy, State Plan, and Customer Satisfaction
Social Media & Outreach
Transition & Education
PaRC Member Handbook
This handbook is intended to help members understand their roles, duties, and responsibilities on the PaRC.
Become a PaRC Council Member
If advocacy for Disability Rights and employment is something you are passionate about, please consider applying to become a member of the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council.