DOH Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries
Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries
Please browse our web pages to find the latest available health statistics and data analysis for Pennsylvania.
Our statistical products cover various health topics suitable for community health assessments, research, and public inquiry.
All statistical reports and webpages are maintained by the Health Informatics Office within the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
A flyer (PDF) listing our materials is available for download.
Pennsylvania Health Statistics on the Internet
Visit the Division of Health Informatics’ web pages at:
– An interactive health statistics data dissemination tool, that allows users to create custom data tables, charts, and maps of topics such as birth, death, cancer, behavioral risk factors, infant death, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, reproductive health outcomes, air quality, childhood cancer, birth defects, and more.
• Birth, Death, and Other Vital Statistics
– This section of the website contains various publications containing tables, charts, and maps of various birth and death data by age, sex, or race/ethnicity, as well as other vital statistics, like abortions, marriages and divorces, maternal death, and baby first name frequencies.
• Cancer Statistics – This page contains various cancer-related reports with data tables, charts, and maps of statistics by age, sex, or race/ethnicity at the state, county, and municipal levels.
• Health Facilities – Multiple reports available for hospitals, nursing homes, and ambulatory surgery centers with information about operations, medical staff, available services, size of the facility, etc.
• Healthy People 2030 – These reports contain information about public health objectives for the nation to achieve by the year 2030. We have compiled state and county-level statistics to assist in tracking progress in meeting some of these objectives.
• Behavioral Risk and Injury Statistics – This area of the website contains reports compiled from the results of the annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey of various behavioral risk factors, including smoking, drinking, health screenings, and other topics.
o Synar - A sub-section of the Behavioral Risk and Injury Statistics area where topics like smoking prevalence, quit attempts, violation rates, and beliefs or behaviors that impact the use of tobacco are analyzed.
o Injury Statistics - Another sub-section of the Behavioral Risk and Injury Statistics area where you can find statistics about motor vehicle accidents, poisoning, firearm-related injuries, suicide, homicide, assault, and others.
• Communicable Diseases – Annual reports are available for the following: HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.), and tuberculosis.
• Minority Health and Health Equity – Key reports found on this webpage are the 7 minority health disparity reports on various topics and part of the State Health Improvement Plan that deals with eliminating health disparities.
• Statistical Resources – Contains resource areas to assist you with accessing, understanding, and using health statistics. o Community Health Assessment Resources – Data and technical assistance about how to conduct community health assessment can be found here.
o Health Statistics A to Z – Links to websites with various health statistics for 300+ topics. This is a great place to start if you’re not sure where to find health statistics on a particular disease or health topic.
o Understanding Health Statistics – A series of documents are available that explain statistical measures, analytical methods, data collection and processing, calculating reliable rates, comparing rates and percentages, and more.