Helping Hands Family Therapy Inc
Child-Led Autism Care
High-quality autism treatment that is
Personalized Child-led Play-based Results Oriented
Each plan is built on individual assessments, making it unique to every child. Help your child achieve their greatest potential!
When a child enrolls in ABA therapy, the first 6 months of treatment are particularly important. Because many children enter programs at Helping Hands Family with no prior experience with ABA therapy, our teams may prioritize some skills more than others during a child’s first treatment plan. Two prime examples of these skills are Behavior Improvement and Learning Readiness.
When we see a meaningful change in a child’s behavior, that child often becomes more engaged and available for learning. Similarly, when a child masters skills related to learning readiness, they acquire the foundational and prerequisite skills needed to progress in other skill areas.
Examples of learning readiness skills include cooperation, attention to tasks, and joint attention.