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INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE OVR REFERRAL Thank you for your interest in the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) services.

OVR’s mission is to assist Pennsylvanians with disabilities to secure and maintain employment and independence.

You can initiate a referral for OVR services via the Pennsylvania CareerLink (Pa CareerLink) website using the instructions below. If assistance is needed, contact information for an OVR office near you is listed at the end of these instructions. Go to PA CareerLink ( 1. Proceed with one of the following:

If you are already registered with PA CareerLink:

i. Activate the “Sign In” link near the top right corner of the screen. Enter your Keystone ID and Password and Press/click the blue “Sign In” button. Select “Career Services” link in the blue menu bar at the top of the screen. Then choose “Programs and Services” link in the dropdown.

If you are a new PA CareerLink user: i. If you do not have an email account, you will need to create an account to Register.

ii. 0Activate the “Register as a New User” button near the top right corner of the screen. Select the Link “Individual Seeking OVR Services”. Complete the online registration process by following the on-screen instructions. Once you reach the Registration Confirmation page, press the “Request Staff-Assisted Service” button in the middle of the page.

2. On the Request Services page, select one of two options for OVR services: “Office of Vocational Rehabilitation – Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services” OR “Office of Vocational Rehabilitation – Bureau of Blindness &amp; Visual Services” and select whether you are or not interested in employment.

3. Press the “Request Services” button near the bottom right corner of the screen. A pop-up notification will appear providing an explanation of OVR’s mission and basic eligibility criteria. Choose “YES” or “NO” to the statement: “I WANT TO WORK AND HAVE A DISABILITY THAT CURRENTLY CREATES DIFFICULTIES FOR ME IN TERMS OF GETTING, KEEPING, OR ADVANCING IN EMPLOYMENT”.   o Choosing “YES” and pressing the “Continue” button will take you to the OVR Referral Form page.   o Choosing “NO” and pressing the “Continue” button will return you to the previous page.

4. On the OVR Referral Form page, complete the required questions. 5. When all questions are complete, Press the “Submit Referral” button near the bottom right corner of the screen, which will send your completed referral to the OVR District Office that covers your county of residence. A notice will appear with the local District Office contact information and the following message:     “A district office staff member will be contacting you within the next 10 days to start your application for vocational rehabilitation services. We look forward to speaking with you!” If assistance is needed with the above instructions, please contact the PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation For Indiana/Cambria/Westmoreland residents: 727 Goucher Street, Johnstown, PA 15905 Phone: 814-255-6771, Toll-Free: 800-762-4223, TTY: 814-255-5510. For Armstrong/Butler residents: 1745 Frew Mill Road, Suite 1, New Castle, PA 16101 Phone: 724-656-3070, Toll-Free: 800-442-6379, TTY:724-656-3252

OVR’s Mission: To assist Pennsylvanians with disabilities to secure and maintain employment and independence.

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