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Lancaster's Transitional Support for Adolescent Program operated by Community Services Group

The Specialized Transitional Supports for Adolescents (STSA) Program is a transitional initiative operated by Community Services Group. The program services adolescents and young adults ages 16-24 who reside in Lancaster County and are currently open with the BSU due to a serious mental illness. Mature milestones of completing school, obtaining and maintaining a consistent job that provides enough money to live independently, using public transportation, making and keeping friends and permanently moving out of the family home can be a formidable journey. STSA focuses to provide education, linking, oversight, and navigation of community resources/services not readily available but may effectively provide symptom management and maximize potential in a way that is most natural for the individual. Consistent with the principles of recovery, the individual should have the expectation that the service provider will improve their level of functioning or prevent further deterioration which could lead to more restrictive psychiatric services. Each individual completes a Functional Assessment that serves as the foundation for the development of a Person Centered Plan with those they find support in their lives. The plan is developed around the individual’s strengths, goals, and abilities. The individual may participate by attending groups and/or individual sessions with the transitional age service coordinator or peer mentor in order to concentrate on the objectives needed to reach their goals. For further information please contact the Transition Coordinator at:

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