Monroe County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
RSVP Project Coordinator Merle Turitz
RSVP is America's largest volunteer network for people age 55 and over. RSVP of Monroe County matches the talents, skills, and experiences of our RSVP volunteer with challenging and exciting volunteer opportunities at area non-profit agencies, schools, government offices, and other organizations.
RSVP volunteers are building ramps, tutoring, visiting, grocery shopping, computing, Knitting, serving, driving and much more. Volunteers choose to serve daily, weekly, monthly, or at at-need, always accommodating their own busy schedules.
RSVP of Monroe County is sponsored locally by the Area Agency on Aging and the County Commissioners. As part of the National Senior Corps, under the Corporation for National and Community Service, RSVP strives to improve lives, strengthen communities and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.