Neighborhood Art House
The mission of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie Inner-City Neighborhood Art House is to enable children to experience beauty, grow in positive self-expression and self-discipline, and develop into full and productive human services•Why an Art House in Erie’s Inner City•Evening program for teens•Partners with the Art House•Neighbor to Neighbor Newsletter•Notable numbers•Come, Bring the children•Contact information and how you can helpMinistries Benedictines for PeaceBenedictines for Peace (BFP) carries the ancient quest for peace into contemporary times. As the peace and justice outreach of the Erie Benedictine community, BFP members advocate for nonviolence, social change and justice by direct action, prayer and bearing witness.Learn more ? St. Benedict Community CenterIn June 1999 the Benedictine Sisters purchased the former St. Mary’s Auditorium from the Erie Catholic Diocese. The building was re-dedicated as St. Benedict Community Center August 2000.Learn more ? St. Benedict Education CenterLocated in our former high school, Saint Benedict Academy in downtown Erie, SBEC offers intensive case management, academic remediation, job readiness preparation, job development and job placement assistance for some 800 people each year.The Center provides recreational opportunities for neighborhood children and those in the Erie community who have special needs and face mental or physical challenges.Learn more ? Inner-City Art HouseThe Art House provide classes in the visual, performing and literary arts to at-risk children in Erie in a safe, nourishing and caring environment.Learn more ? St. Benedict Child Development CenterSaint Benedict’s Child Development Center was Erie’s first accredited early child care facility. A staff of 40 full andrt-time manages a daycare program, head start for migrant children, and infant care.Learn more ? Benetwood ApartmentsMonastic hospitality is offered to low income, elderly, and handicapped persons at Benetwood. Located on property adjacent to the monastery, the low-rise, 75 apartment building is a government subsidized non-profit facility administered by the community.Learn more ? Emmaus MinistriesThe Emmaus Soup Kitchen serves 1,000 hot meals each week and its foodntry distributes 30,000 food bags per year. Sister Gus’ Kids Café provides a home cooked meal and recreational opportunities to 70 children a day. Other services include a women’s advocacy program and advocacy for seniors.Learn more ?