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This section of the website provides additional information regarding the LTCCs, including links to specific Councils throughout our state.

Pennsylvania’s transition community has a rich history of helping youth and young adults successfully transition from school to adult life. 

Since 1990 our state’s Local Transition Coordinating Councils (LTCCs) have played an instrumental role in this process.

There are over 70 Local Transition Coordinating Councils (LTCCs) operating across Pennsylvania. With cross-stakeholder representation, many meet several times throughout the year to share information and resources.

Some Councils hold interagency staffings to identify potential supports and services that may be available for transitioning youth.

Others focus on the development and delivery of projects, products and activities.

For youth, families, and all other transition stakeholders, the LTCCs are a primary contact for local supports and resources related to secondary transition.

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