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Since 1984, the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics has operated the Traffic Injury Prevention Project (TIPP) under contract with PENNDOT. TIPP plans and implements a comprehensive highway safety program providing educational training, technical assistance, and serves as a resource throughout Pennsylvania. TIPP provides the most up-to-date and accurate information available concerning traffic safety.

Funded through Federal 402 Highway Safety Funds via the PENNDOT, TIPP is a statewide project focused on traffic safety issues for children birth to 21 years. Topics include bicycle, school bus, pedestrian, seat belts, car seats, transportation of children with special health care needs, and underage drinking. TIPP provides print materials, video loan library, training, and technical assistance, and management of the PA Car Seat Loan Program.

TIPP maintains the 1-800-CAR BELT telephone line to respond to PA inquiries regarding transportation safety issues.


Contact TIPP for questions on:

Recalled Car Seats Child Safety Seat Clinics Information on PA Traffic Laws Information on Correct use of Child Safety Seats Scheduling Educational Programs Where to Attend the NHTSA • Standardized CPS Certification Class Special Needs Car Seats


Bicycle Safety Car Seats Pedestrian School Bus Special Needs Young Drivers

TIPP Staff

Website for staff CONTACTS

Angela Osterhuber Project Director

Nicole McCalla Project Assistant

Regional Coordinators

Mary Lakari NW Region

Cathy Connors NE Region

Kathy Strotmeyer SW Region

Teresa DeSantis SE Region

Kelly Whitaker Central Region


Materials Materials available through the Traffic Injury Prevention Project (TIPP) cover a range of traffic safety areas. These areas include child passenger safety, seat belt safety, airbag safety, school bus safety, transporting special needs children, pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, and youth driving safety and awareness.

Educational materials range from Pennsylvania laws regarding child safety seats to the use of bicycle helmets. TIPP also provides materials developed by PENNDOT and the U. S. Department of Transportation, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Video & Print Materials Free lending library available to child care providers, health care professionals, teachers, police, and other organizations within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Loaner Program TIPP works closely with PENNDOT to provide information and child safety seats throughout Pennsylvania through the state-wide network of loaner programs. Funding for the child safety seats is provided by PENNDOT using fine money from violations of the CPS Law. Technical Assistance on Transportation Safety Issues Maintain the state-wide "800" line to answer traffic safety inquiries. TIPP provides assistance to parents with technical issues on child safety seat installation, fitting bicycle helmets, Pennsylvania laws, transporting children with special health care needs, and other areas of traffic safety.

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