Pan-Am Tan Soo Do Federation School
Our mission at each studio is to motivate students to build a solid foundation for overcoming obstacles in life.
Tang Soo Do can be an eternal addition to your life, physical ability, and long or short term goals.
The Federation was founded by Grand Master Chong Su Kim in 1986 in York, Pennsylvania. While Grand Master Kim traveled all over the world promoting Tang Soo Do, he pondered the meaning on Tang Soo Do, the purpose of Tang Soo Do. He decided to create the new-Am Tang Soo Do Federation for unity, All the members of this Federation will be treated equally, with respect, honesty, loyalty, and courtesy. The most important of our Federation is that all will receive direct guidance form Grand Master Chong Su Kim. No matter what question you might have, Grand Master Kim and the Federation are here to help you and to promote the one of a kin-Am Tang Soo Do Federation.