Sources of Strength is the suicide prevention program
Sources of Strength is the first suicide prevention program involving peer leaders to enhance protective factors associated with reducing suicide at the school population level
What is Sources of Strength?
"Sources of Strength is the first suicide prevention program involving peer leaders to enhance protective factors associated with reducing suicide at the school population level." - American Journal of Public Health
Sources of Strength is the only evidence-based model that engages youth as peer leaders, and school staff as adult allies in the implementation of intentional campaigns to foster belonging, hope, and connection. Rather than a focus on reducing negative outcomes, SOS focuses on building desired states of being.
When does this start?
Youth Move PA will start rolling out Sources of Strength in PA middle schools and high schools for the 2023-2024 school year.
Interested in bringing Sources of Strength to your middle school or high school?
Contact Kevin Puskaric, Program Director, Youth Move PA at
Checkout our new Sources of Strength landing page: Sources of Strength (
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